Cookie policy

Mia First s.r.l., headquartered in Verona at Via Amerigo Vespucci 2, VAT number 04817720230 (“Company”), provides this notice to the user in compliance with Article 13 of the Privacy Code and the provisions of the Decision 229 of May 8, 2014, issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority.


“Cookies”: these are small text strings that the websites visited by the user send to their terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored to be retransmitted to the same sites during the user's subsequent visits. While navigating a website, the user's terminal may also receive cookies sent by different sites or web servers (“third parties”), which may contain certain elements (such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages on other domains) present on the site being visited. Cookies, usually present in users' browsers in a high number and sometimes with long-lasting characteristics, can be used for various purposes: performing computer authentications, monitoring sessions, storing information on specific configurations related to users accessing the server, etc.

“Technical Cookies”: These are used solely for ‘carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide that service’ (cf. Article 122, paragraph 1, and Article 13 on the obligation to provide information, Privacy Code). They are not used for additional purposes and are usually installed directly by the website owner or manager. They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which ensure the normal navigation and use of the website (for example, allowing the completion of a purchase or authentication to access restricted areas); analytics cookies, similar to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregated form, about the number of users and how they visit the site itself; functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate based on selected criteria (for example, language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the user.

“Profiling Cookies”: These aim to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during online browsing.

Information and Consent

1 - Purpose of Use

1.1 The Company informs that this site primarily uses cookies to:

  • recognize you (more precisely, the device you use) when you log in to use our services;
  • expedite and personalize communication and navigation;
  • provide the best service;

ensure safe and efficient site exploration, prevent fraudulent activity, and improve security.

1.2 Cookies cannot cause damage to the user's device.

1.3 Cookies cannot access other information stored on the user's device.

2 - Cookies Used by This Site

2.1 The Company informs that this site uses technical cookies, installed directly by the Company, which are not used for purposes other than those functionally described above. Their installation does not require user consent. Users can set their browser (understood as any application for retrieving, presenting, and navigating web resources) to automatically reject the receipt of technical cookies. However, the Company notes that activating this option may make the user's interaction with this site difficult or compromised.

2.2 The Company informs that this site uses profiling cookies. Prior consent is required for the use of these cookies.

These cookies are categorized as:

  • Statistical/Analytics Cookies: These are used to collect information about users' browsing habits on our site. This information is analyzed in an aggregated form for statistical purposes only. They are not necessary but are useful for improving the content and services offered by the Company based on insights gathered from statistical analysis. Prior consent is required for the use of these cookies.
  • Profiling Cookies: These aim to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during online browsing. Prior consent is required for the use of these cookies.
  • Third-party Cookies: While browsing this site, you will receive both cookies installed by the Company and cookies from third-party sites.

The Company emphasizes that regarding cookies installed directly by the Company, if the user does not make any choice and still decides to proceed with navigation on this website, this will constitute consent to the use of such cookies.

Third-party cookies enable the Company to obtain more comprehensive surveys of users' browsing habits, such as gathering information for advertising purposes, as well as compiling statistics on site usage and assessing user interest in specific content or services.

Statistical Cookies (Third-party): The Company utilizes Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway – Mountain View – CA94043 USA, which uses cookies to collect and analyze aggregated information regarding user navigation.

Neither the Company nor Google associates your IP address with other data in their possession to directly identify you: Google Analytics communicates information using only a part of the IP address for geolocation, instead of the entire address, employing a method known as IP masking.

The information collected is processed by Google Analytics systems to generate reports for the Company, used to verify the correct functioning of services and possibly the level of satisfaction with the content offered. To disable statistical cookies, thus preventing Google Analytics from collecting browsing data, users can download the specific Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on:

2.3 The Company disclaims any responsibility regarding the use of cookies by third-party sites outside of this site (such as "landing pages"), reminding that concerning third-party sites, obtaining consent for profiling cookies and issuing related information is the responsibility of these third parties. There is no joint ownership with third parties for the cookies they install through their means.

2.4 Furthermore, this site uses 'Social Plugins' (hereinafter referred to as buttons) from social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These buttons are deactivated by default, meaning they do not transmit data to the respective social networks without your consent. To activate the buttons, simply click on them. The button remains active until it is deactivated again or its cookies are deleted. Once activated, a direct connection to the server of the respective social network is established. The content associated with the button is then directly transmitted from the social network to your browser and linked by your browser to the web page.

To understand the purpose and scope of data collection and processing/use by the social networks, in which we have no part, users can access the information and privacy policies available on the social network portals.

Upon button activation, the respective social network may collect a series of data, regardless of your interaction with the button. If you are logged into a social network, it may link your visit to this web page to your user profile.

3 - Data Subject Rights

3.1 The Company informs that, according to Article 7 of the Privacy Code, the user has certain rights, including the right to object to processing. In cases where user consent is necessary, and for the purposes outlined above has been properly expressed, the user has the right at any time to modify their choice by accessing this information.

3.2 The user can, at any time:

  • Configure the browser to disable cookie reception or refrain from using this site. However, disabling cookies may cause the site or some of its functions to not operate correctly.
  • Modify the methods of cookie usage.

3.3 The user can manage browser cookies through browser settings: block their reception or delete cookies present on their device. Most browsers offer the option to accept or reject all cookies or accept only some (e.g., from specific sites). Although the configuration method for cookies varies for each browser, similar steps can be taken. For details on the procedure to follow, users can visit the website or consult the 'Help' section of their browser.

Here are the addresses for some browsers:

For more information about cookies and to manage preferences for third-party cookies, we invite you to visit

Please refer to the Privacy Policy for further details.

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